
Tiadem 80

Powder for use in drinking water for pigs and chickens

Each g product contains:
Active substance:
Tiamulin hydrogen fumarate ………………… 800 mg
Chickens (broilers, breeding hens, laying hens, replacement youth).
In pigs in the treatment of porcine dysentery caused by Brachyspira (Serpulina) hyodisenteriae, colonic spirochetosis caused by Brachyspira pilosicoli, porcine proliferative enteropathy caused by Lawsonia intracellularis, mycoplasmosis caused by M. hyopneumoniae and M. hyosinoviae, as well as other infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria aerobes or anaerobes sensitive to tiamulin.

In chickens (broilers, breeding hens, laying hens, replacement youth) in the treatment of chronic respiratory disease (CRC), mycoplasmosis caused by M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae as well as other infections caused by aerobic or anaerobic Gram positive bacteria (Clostridium spp .) sensitive to tiamulin.
In pigs: administer 12 mg Tiadem 80/kg body weight (approximately 10 mg tiamulin hydrogen fumarate/kg body weight), for 5 consecutive days.

In chickens (broilers, breeding hens, laying hens, replacement youth): administer 25 mg Tiadem 80/kg live/body weight (approximately 20 mg tiamulin hydrogen fumarate/kg body weight), administered for 5 consecutive days.

Depending on the evolution of the disease, the veterinarian can decide to extend the duration of the treatment.

Water intake is dependent on the clinical conditions of the animals. Therefore, to obtain the correct dosage, the concentration in the drinking water will have to be adjusted
Do not administer to animals with known hypersensitivity to tiamulin or to the product excipient.

During the entire treatment with Tiadem 80, the animals will not be fed with feed containing coccidiostats from the group of ionophores (monensin, narasin and salinomycin) and not less than 7 days before or after the administration of Tiadem 80.
Waiting periods
Pigs (meat and offal): 9 days.
Chickens (meat and offal): 7 days.
Eggs: 8 days.