1 intramammary syringe (5.4g of intramammary suspension) contains:
Active substance:
Cloxacillin 600 mg (as Cloxacillin benzathine)
Ampicillin 300 mg (as Ampicillin trihydrate)
Excipients: Aluminium Di stearate, Liquid Paraffin.
Siccamed+ is formulated for use in cows at the beginning of the drying period, i.e. immediately after the last milking. The drug is intended both for the treatment of existing mastitis and for the protection of the udder against further infections during the drying period. Siccamed+ works effectively against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that cause udder infections, against Streptococcus agalactiae and other Streptococcus species, penicillin-resistant and sensitive staphylococci, Corinebacterium spp., Arcanobacteria spp., Escherichia coli and other sensitive gram-negative bacteria. Cloxacillin benzathine and ampicillin trihydrate in this formulation maintain effective antibacterial concentrations in the udder of dry cows for up to 10 weeks without tissue irritation.
An allergic reaction is possible.
Cows, during the dry season.
Intramammary use.
The drug Siccamed+ is applied during the dry season.
After the last milking during lactation, clean and disinfect the teats and inject the contents of one intramammary syringe into each quarter through the teat canal. Avoid contamination of the syringe tip. When treating heifers, it is important that the tip of the syringe does not penetrate the teat.
The following procedure is recommended:
The animal must be properly immobilized. Teats must be cleaned and disinfected. The nipple opening must be located and the tip of the syringe placed on the opening but not inserted into it. When the plunger of the injector is pressed, the antibiotic easily passes through the teat into the udder.
The preparation is not used in cows that have a short drying period.
It is not intended for use in a period shorter than 49 days until calving.
Milk for human consumption can be used 156 hours after calving.
If the cow calves earlier than 49 days after the last treatment, milk for human consumption can be used after 56 (49+7) days after the last treatment.
The meat of treated animals cannot be used for 28 days after the application of the drug.
Keep out from the reach of children
Store in original package at temperature of 25oC,
Shelf life: 2 years
Special precautions for use in animals
The following procedure is recommended:
Any unused veterinary medicinal product or waste materials derived form such veterinary medicinal product should be disposed in accordance with local requirements.
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